May 2020

Girl, You Can Buy Your First Home Too

I love looking around and seeing my people making strides to be better and do better for themselves, their families and communities. This is why I love to share resources and information that I know will be of assistance to others. A little over a year ago I was able to purchase a home through a Fair & Affordable Homeownership program with the financial assistance of a First Time Homebuyer… Read More »Girl, You Can Buy Your First Home Too

My Keys: From Homeless to homeowner In Less Than Two Years

The other day I walked into work with my keys in my hand and a co-worker bust out laughing and asked “Are you an undercover janitor with all of those keys?” I chuckled, not because I thought the joke was funny, but for the mere fact that things have different meanings to people. While he connected my ring of endless keys to a janitor, I connected it to the accomplishment… Read More »My Keys: From Homeless to homeowner In Less Than Two Years

A Black Girl’s Guide: 5 Tips to Manage Stress During COVID-19

In times like these where stress is high, the future is unknown and we still have to deal with everyday problems, it’s important for us to keep positive mental health. I don’t know about you, but I definitely get anxious every now and then. I start to stress, panic or worry. When I talk to others I see they are experiencing the same emotions. This pandemic is really taking a… Read More »A Black Girl’s Guide: 5 Tips to Manage Stress During COVID-19