March 2019

Meditation: The POWER Tool

Looking back on the last few years I realized I allowed other people to predict my mood and happiness. I would wake up in the morning with a smile on my face and one negative call from my daughter’s father and poof my whole day was ruined. One rude comment from a client and my blood was boiling. If things didn’t turn out the way I planned I felt defeated.… Read More »Meditation: The POWER Tool

I Want To Be a Princess Too: Representation in Children’s Entertainment

Next Sunday is my daughter, Zanai’s 6th birthday. Every year I let her take a birthday photo shoot based on the theme of her party. This year I chose to take her to Disney world for her birthday, so her pictures are a Disney theme. As I started to plan her photo shoot, I asked her which Disney princess she wanted to be. After thinking for a while she said… Read More »I Want To Be a Princess Too: Representation in Children’s Entertainment

Introduction: Beautiful Black Queen

Photography by Alisha Camille Artistry by Shellsink I am big on pictures and capturing every magical moment of my life. Those moments turn into memories that take you back in time to the feeling you had that very moment the camera clicked. Those happy thoughts, that just put a smile on your face. Not only do you get drawn back to those feelings, but the picture itself speaks a million… Read More »Introduction: Beautiful Black Queen

The Curry’s: Building a Family Foundation

I am sure most of us know or have heard of Ayesha Curry. She is a Canadian-American actress, celebrity cook, author, entrepreneur and the wife of basketball star Steph Curry. I know many times I’ve seen cute pictures of them and their kids floating around social media and thought to myself “what a cute family.” They are fairly young and have been married for about eight years. Last month in… Read More »The Curry’s: Building a Family Foundation

“Surviving R Kelly” – Women & Sexual Abuse in the Black Community

R Kelly’s recent indictment and his interview with Gayle King comes about one month after the release of Lifetime’s docuseries called “Surviving R Kelly.” The testimonies on the series touched my heart. I remember turning on my television to watch part one. Well into that episode my jaw was on the floor, tears were in my eyes, anger in my soul and my heart shredded with every word that the… Read More »“Surviving R Kelly” – Women & Sexual Abuse in the Black Community

Protect Our Children: Child Abuse

Recently there have been several talks about sexual assaults against children and teens. We are seeing it happen in places we expect our children to be safe like school, church and even in our own home. I turn on the news and I see stories about a pastor having sex with his little girl, boyfriends going to jail for sexually abusing their girlfriend’s daughter and priests in the Catholic Church… Read More »Protect Our Children: Child Abuse