
A Black Girl’s Guide: 5 Tips to Manage Stress During COVID-19

In times like these where stress is high, the future is unknown and we still have to deal with everyday problems, it’s important for us to keep positive mental health. I don’t know about you, but I definitely get anxious every now and then. I start to stress, panic or worry. When I talk to others I see they are experiencing the same emotions. This pandemic is really taking a… Read More »A Black Girl’s Guide: 5 Tips to Manage Stress During COVID-19

Don’t Call Me Crazy: Mental Health in the Black Community

Mental illness in the black community is real. By no means am I a therapist or psychologist but over the years I’ve meet people who I really believe have mental health issues. They are high functioning so, they appear mentally stable at first glance but as you get to know them better you start to see things that are off. To them it’s normal but from the outside looking in… Read More »Don’t Call Me Crazy: Mental Health in the Black Community